🏦Protocol Fees


  • Listing Fee

    • 10 KAIA listing fee (≈ $1.27)

  • Trading Fee

    • 1% fee for each trades, collected in KAIA (Same as SunPump)

  • Liquidity fee

    • When the project reaches 100% of the Bonding Curve, the "migration" happen. The smart contract will add liquidity of about $14k worth of KAIA (a constant value of 109322.8346456692 KAIA) and the remaining 200 million tokens to KaiaFun's V2 liquidity pool or to an partnered DEX when trigged.

    • Additionally, the smart contract will deduct around 15k KAIA from the gathered KAIA liquidity (which is around 124,424.7 KAIA with possible, tiny approximation errors). This fee is for the maintenance for the protocol.

  • To prevent value leakage, transfers of tokens that are not to the zero address or to the KaiaFun core contract are prohibited before the migration.

  • Periphery Fees

    • Flashloan Interest is 0.13% (Lower than Klaybank)

    • Swap Fee for V2 liquidity pools are 0.3%. Fees for partner DEXes may vary.

Last updated